How to Use Rupees Symbol (₹) in Computer (100% working)
Indian Currency (₹) |
The Rupee is the official currency of India. Now you can use rupee symbol for different purposes. But to use this rupee symbol, you much first activate the rupee symbol key. Searching in different places just show that to press ctrl + alt + 4. But many people do not type rupee symbol even after doing so. Because they don’t tell the whole process, so many people search multiple times and can’t find a solution to their problem.
I am saying 100% working solving process of this problem.
Lets fixed it
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Turn on your PC > Go to Search bar >
Type ‘Control Panel’ > Enter.
Image 1 |
Step 2: Click ‘Region’ > Click ‘Administrative’ > Press ‘Change system locale’.
Image 2 |
Step 3: Select ‘English (India)’ > Ok > Ok.
Image 3 |
Step 4: If the previous steps are done, then the rupee symbol will be activated from now on and you can use it.
Image 4 |
Step 5: When using, be sure to go to the keyboard language option from English (U.S) to English (India).
Image 5 |
If you follow the full steps than you can use rupee symbol key easily.
If you have solved your rupee symbol activation problem from this blog, please let us know in the comment below.
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